Fashion Communication
20/02/12 14:59:13

【Training Objectives】

Communication has become a major aspect of fashion industries worldwide. In all sectors, from ready-to-wear to luxury, brands are using complex mechanisms and strategies aimed at engaing and federating a customer with an endless choice of products,services,and limitless access to them.The knowledge and inter-connecivity of these communication mechanisms is a major stake for brands.

In the fast-paced and ever-changing environment of Fashion Communication & Media, the student of this major will acquire strong basis and learn how to master the tools,channels,and procedures used by the most successful and innovative brands.

【Training Specifications】

Social Ability:

Through his formation,the student will understand how communications are organized and used in Fashion.From mass-market to luxury,he will gain insights of the motivators and behaviours of consumers,and develop specific and relevant ways to communicate and gather messages to them.The student will get familiar with the diffrerent roles at every stage of the Fashion Communication & Media chain. He will ultimately be able to identify,conceive and implement new communication strategies based on his own observation and understanding of the lastest trends;developing the mandatory autonomy and interpersonal skills(team management)needed in this field of expertise.

Professional Ability:

At the end of his formation, the student will be able to adapt to the communication needs of any fashion brand. He or she will acquire a solid knowledge of the key actors of the sectors,from the most classical brand to the most innovative,and learn how, from one side of the spectrum to the other, they conceive and use communications.

Throughout the 3 years program,the student will use marketing tools aimed at giving him the keys to conceive and elaborate complex strategies,and technial knowledge of the tools used in Fashion Communications to implement these strategies:graphic design,video editing,photography,web-design,programming.

This transversality of his or her skills,from strategical to operational will offer him or her the highest efficiency to integrate a demanding and high-profile professional environment.

Methodology Ability:

The methodology of the formation will rely on two main pillars:the theoretical lectures of the most emblematic and innovative case studies of the field,and the completion of numerous applied projects inspired by these lectures.

The transversal nature of the project will give the student the possibility to understand and master every step of Communication&Media project management,and will allow him or her to explore personal fields of interst fitting his or her affinities and skills. The outcome of this pedagogical approach based on the interests of the student is to get him or her to acquire key knowledge in the specific positions he or she will persue a career in, for exmaple:media planning,public relations,advertising,photography,artistic direction,web or graphic design,branding,communications and strategy management.

【Career Orientations】

Graduates can work in fashion industry,fashion media(newspaper,film and televison,new media),culture and creative enterprises,fashion brand company,fashion culture research and education institution. Graduates can work as journalist,digital editor,photographer,film maker,graphic designer,fashion manager,consultant,etc.


Program Description - Fashion CommunicationDownLoad

Program Description - Luxury Marketing and ManagementDownLoad

Program Description - Fashion Design and Pattern-MakingDownLoad