
Admission Process for International Students

1. When applying for admission, international student should firstly provide personal resume, passport photo page, senior high school diploma (or equivalent) and school transcript, recommendation letter, study plan. Documents can be sent to us in scan form at

2. Upon receiving the above documents, a pre-registration form will be sent to student and student will be informed to start apply online.

3. Once online application is approved, a pre-admission notice from our school will be emailed to the student. On this notice there will be information about payment of tuition fees and application fees.

4. Upon the receipt of students tuition fees, we will assist the student to apply for student Visa.

5. International student may choose to apply for the international student dormitory in Yanchang Campus (We can not assure there will be room available due to the large number of international students in Shanghai University) or rent a house near our school with the aid of our school if needed.


Enrollment Process 给外籍学生的关于入学和签证办理手续的说明 download

Application Instructions 国际学生报名流程 download

Pre-registration Form 报名表 download