Pattern (fabric)
A repeated decorative design that can be printed, stitched or woven into a fabric. The popularity of certain patterns often undergoes as much change as the garments themselves.

A droplet-shaped motif of Persian origin, also called Persian pickles.

Polka dot
A pattern consisting of dots, which became popular in late 19th-century Britain.

Long, straight bands single colours running vertically.

Long, straight bands of single colours running horizontally.

A cross-hatched dyeing pattern used for wool clothing.

Houndstooth or dog-tooth
A rich, textural, duotone pattern of abstracted angular shapes that first appeared in the 1930s.

Tie dye
A brightly coloured pattern produced by tying fabric before applying dye so it only reaches certain areas.

A lozenge or diamond pattern typically worn by the comic character in dramatic works.

Animal print
A print that resembles the pattern of animal fur such as leopard.
Pattern (paper)
A form, template or guide used to cut out the different parts that comprise a garment. A pattern contains the style and detail of a garment and is made from a block, which relates to the measurements of the body.

An undergarment worn by women under a skirt, dress or sari. Petticoats hang from the waist or shoulders and are worn for warmth, to give shape to the overlaying skirt or to prevent a skirt or dress from clinging to the wearer’s body.
Petticoats evolved alongside the outer garments they were worn with, such as the beautiful lace petticoats that were developed to be worn with silk dresses in the 18th century.
Petticoats have been in and out of fashion as skirts have oscillated between wide and narrow.
Following a revival in the 1950s led by Christian Dior, petticoats have fallen into one of their periods of disuse although they are still used for practical purposes and they sometimes appear in alternative subculture trends.