Meet Fredrik Tjaerandsen
19/08/07 14:50:00


Image Via : Teen Vogue


Fredrik Tjaerandsen of Central Saint Martins has not only gained notoriety for this senior collection but has even bagged himself a shiny award in the process too. His theatrical and creative show won him the Central Saint Martins L’Oreal Pro Talent Award, a prestigious title that is sure to set any designer who wins this accolade in good stead for the rest of their career. Having his degree from CSM alone would be enough weight, considering the famous designer alumni that have come before him including John Galliano, Alexander McQueen, Zac Posen and Stella McCartney to name a few. His balloon collection made up of rubber bubble dresses has shot this Norwegian designer’s name onto the lips of the fashion elite. His collection has been likened to both a bubble gum frenzy while also sparking ideas of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.


A true avant garde collection, as the models walked down the runway they let the air from the bubbles decompress around their bodies, allowing the rubber to fall onto themselves into a brightly colored, fitted rubber dress alternative. Although the end result of the garments were slightly bumpy and a far cry from impeccable tailoring, they weren’t meant to be, this is avant garde after all. It’s up to the wearer when and if they choose to deflate the garment, opening a valve that controls the air pressure system. Arguably the coolest part of the bubble dress concept is that once the dress deflates, it always drapes in a different way, allowing for an of the moment silhouette thanks in part to Fredrik’s limiting of seams in the garments. It was also a very slow deflate as opposed to a bang or pop you would imagine from a burst balloon, creating an almost serene like atmosphere on the runway.



Image Via : Fredrik Tjaerandsen Instagram


Fredrik spoke of his inspiration behind the astounding collection from which he sourced the rubber from local Sri Lankan rubber growers, saying that he has worked for a long time to create an experimental process. The idea behind this particular collection was the “indefinable moment” when your self awareness kicks in and starts working. It’s perhaps this intangible idea that Fredrik drew inspiration from that allowed this collection to be what it was and to gain the viral hype it has. While other designers choose to be inspired by other cultures and countries, nature or eras gone by, Fredrik on the other hand sees himself just as much an artist as he does a designer and that shows through his choice of conceptual inspiration. But the starting point for Fredrik was unclear childhood memories and the possibility of capturing that misty haze of memories that you only partially remember. It’s a concept we can all relate to, whether it’s a smell that jaunts a memory from our youth or a song that reminds of a feeling we can’t quite put our finger on.


Fredrik Tjaerandsen grew up in a small town in Norway but came to London to study after being accepted to study a foundation degree at Central Saint Martins. But it wasn’t fashion he was accepted to, in fact, he didn’t get into the fashion foundation course but was told he would be better suited to the CSM diagnostic course instead, a more generalized arts program. Fredrik began with experimenting in sculpture and was very close to choosing sculpture as his discipline for his Bachelor Degree. Thankfully for us, he decided to go with his gut and choose fashion yet still kept a sculptural element within his work, resulting in the phenomenon of the balloon collection. Although his collection is somewhat wacky and out there, particularly for fashion addicts who prefer more commercially wearable pieces, they will be pleased to know that Fredrik too still places importance on functionality, even in his avant garde looks, insisting that he try on every piece before it’s deemed runway worthy.



Image Via : Fredrik Tjaerandsen Instagram


But the question of construction and exactly how comfortable these bubble dresses are for the models and wearers was still an unanswered question for some. Of course, Fredrik too that into consideration too though, filling the bubbles with up to three thousand liters of oxygen, allowing for about three hours wearing time without deflation. He also claims that inside the bubbles, for he of course has tested them himself, the atmosphere is calm and even soothing in many ways. Clearly his hard work has paid off though, everyone from Lindsay Lohan to Courtney Love have expressed their excitement over the collection and who knows, maybe you’ll see some celebrities wearing Fredrik Tjaerandsen exclusives very soon!


As for what’s next for the designer, a hard earned break we imagine! Fredrik plans to spend the Summer back in Norway with his family, spending some quality time after such a stressful time completing his degree. There are plans in the near future for an exhibition of his work but for now, you’ll just have to wait and see what comes next from the designer who has made air pressure dresses cool.


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